A list of current initiatives!

A list of current initiatives!

Be sure to remove notifications in this chat, as it will frequently notify you of new users!
This chat was created by the Yellow Cyberpartisan Group, StopPropaganda Community (https://kliv.link/p14) for two purposes:
  1. By inviting to this group to familiarize as many Belarusians as possible with the current initiatives that bring victory over the regime of terrorist Luka. So that everyone could choose for himself those initiatives in which he could participate.
  1. When that very day, moment, etc. comes. "X" (we do not care how and who calls this day) this chat will be transferred to the management of a single center of coordination. We will try to create the same chats and other ways of communication in the nearest future in other messengers and to invite all Belarusians there as much as possible.
In case this chat is blocked by TG, you will find the actual link to the new chat in the description of the 📍"BelaMedia" channel (https://kliv.link/b46).
What can I do to win?
More than a year has passed since the people of Belarus decided to say "Enough". Many of you and me have been subjected to repressions during this time, some of us are still sitting, but each of us believes that we will win in the near future. We are sure that we will not tolerate a rat in power for 40 years, as the people of Portugal did. We will not fight for 20 years like the people of Poland. The year 2020 was the point when everyone realized who the majority was and what these wild dogs in power were doing. In modern times we are capable of winning relatively quickly and with little or no bloodshed. Everyone just needs to start doing their part!
If you are a person who can join the upcoming nationwide strike, join the Rabochy Ruch movement (https://kliv.link/p25) via 📍 their bot (https://kliv.link/p26), join the BOR movement (https://kliv.link/p27) and write to their bot (https://kliv.link/p28). And also to the 📍bot of Honest People (https://kliv.link/p24).
Join 📍chat-bot (https://kliv.link/p22) to the Plan "Peramoga" (https://kliv.link/p23), which develops a specific set of actions for each registered Belarusan.
If you are more radicalized and ready to get serious now, join the Supratsiu movement (DNS (https://kliv.link/p21), Busli (http://kliv.link/p29)) in addition to the Peramoga plan. Chat bots: 📍 Special operations and sabotage (http://kliv.link/p20) 📍 Force cover for civil disobedience actions (http://kliv.link/p19). Post for recruits here.
(http://kliv.link/p18)If you are an IT guy or a person working and/or having access to computer networks and equipment in your organizations, companies, then write to📍 the Cyberpartisan bot (http://kliv.link/p17), the channel (http://kliv.link/p16), the site that has everything on regime crimes - blackmap.org (http://kliv.link/p15) .
If you want to fight safely now, help us 📍StopPropaganda (http://kliv.link/p14) to eradicate propaganda and put pressure on the regime's minions. Join the📍bot through which tasks come (http://kliv.link/p13).
📍 Chat-bot Majority Movement (http://kliv.link/p3) - Right now more than 20 thousand Belarusians are doing small tasks for a big victory in the form of a quest.
📍 Chat-bot from "Honest University" (http://kliv.link/p12) to support students and teachers of Belarusian universities.
Distribute flyers from 📍 ByProsvet (http://kliv.link/p11) to residents of your entrance, house, street and city.
📍 Join the ranks of volunteers of Svetlana Tihanovska's Office (http://kliv.link/p10). And also NAU and "Honest People" have established a dialog with honest employees of the state apparatus (there are already more than 3000 of them) - 📍 Join (http://kliv.link/p9)!
📍 Economic pressure on the regime (http://kliv.link/p8) - NAU "ATM-exchange-bank" action. Buy only the right products and goods, the profits of which will not go into the pocket of the Luka-gang. Application for 📍iOS (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/krama/id1530725363) and 📍Android.
(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kramastudio.krama&hl=ru&gl=US)Aggregators of all initiatives, where you can read in more detail and join those in which you can bring victory closer:
📍 Belarusplatform.org (http://kliv.link/p7) - solidarity platform of our president's office, where the initiatives verified by him are collected.
📍 Write letters to political prisoners (http://kliv.link/p4)All necessary information can be found at politzek.me (http://kliv.link/p4). You can send a letter to political prisoners anonymously or from another country through vkletochku.org (http://kliv.link/p5).
📍 Skarga.help (http://kliv.link/p1) - Make appeals and complaints - this is also a protest tool.
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